Saturday, August 15, 2009

what you see when walking....

Something weird happened to me the other day.

I went on a walk. A long walk on my cross training day. As I was walking down this one street, I came up on the street in our neighborhood where there is an assisted living home. I honestly have never seen anyone go in or out but its there. I was walking listening to Meredith Andrews or Addison Road (can't remember which but those are my two favs right now so I know I was listening to either of them!) when I looked up to see a sweet elderly couple out for a walk. The woman was dressed in a light pink pants and shirt and had beautiful white hair styled the way you would expect a woman of her age to style it. I laughed. The man had on khaki shorts and a blue shirt with a full head of white hair. I laughed again. It made me smile to think about how we never really get old...boys will always wear blue and girls will always love pink! I then thought about my grandmother and how much she too loves pink to this day and wondered how far back that color went with her and her love of it. Will I too wear the colors I love today when I am the age this woman was?

As I walked on I just watched this sweet couple. Their speed was expected and I smiled at the way they held one another hands. So sweet so innocent yet so natural and cute. Her little purse swinging on her right shoulder waiting to get to CVS. As they turned onto the drive to get to the parking lot, I was taken aback. To most it may have not been any big old couple taking their sweet time to get anywhere. But when that husband reached across his wife's back and gently yet so ever lovingly directed her to the inside of the walkway, the side closest to the grass and away from any traffic that may enter the drive, I almost stopped in my tracks. Such a simple act showing love and care, protection and concern. This act was done with such grace and habit that I felt like I was getting a glimpse into a sweet couple's intimate rituals.

Then.....I started to cry. Yes that's right...cry. Just a few small tears but my eyes welled up nonetheless.

You see, as I was watching this couple, I was reminded of my dear husband. The man who loves me through it all. The man who when I am old and "pink" will be right there by my side directing me away from traffic putting himself at risk to protect me still. I know he will do this because, you see, he does this now and always has. He has always done this ever since I have known him and I love that about him. His way of protecting me even when I didn't think I needed it. It made me think about what we will be like when we get old and I wondered if we would look anything like the couple I was "spying" on. I laughed again and thanked God for these small little glimpses into what sweet walks I have to look forward to with my ever loving and protective white haired man in blue!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happenings and such

Well and my timely posts. I continually say that I will be a better blogger but truth is...I don't like to sit on the computer. Just ask any of my clients who get their photos a wee bit later than I would like to get them to them...yikes.

Anyway...a LOT has been going on around here since my last post.

I have had an amazing first month on my treatment. Its amazing the difference that a month makes. I told my doc the other day that I honestly felt happy for the first time in years. I have energy to spare and I've even started training for a 5k. My first racing 5k since before I was married. I can't believe how much I miss running! Well, let me clarify...jogging is more like it right now! When you haven't run in 6 and a half years, you have to start slow. And slow I am! I ran my first timed mile the other day (after a week of training) in 9 minutes 15 seconds. Its a start! I time my next mile tomorrow...we'll see!

Katelyn has decided that she wants to be a typical 4 year old. What does that mean some might'll only be asking that if you DON'T have a 4 year old. Ha! We've had lots of "go to your room" times in the last few days. Its been super fun! And just today she has started laughing at me when I am disciplining her. That's super fun! Let me tell you. But, let's not dwell on the negative! Its easy to do with the mom of a 4 year old. Despite her finding herself, she is such an incredible girl. So happy and creative. She plays all day long with her animals and toys. She is sooo imaginative. I love that about her. She still has no real desire to practice writing her name...she'd much rather play with her stuffed animals! I guess she takes after her momma that way! I was sooo not the student, but loved to create things and play all the time. She starts school the week we are in Florida and she is looking forward to it. I think she gets really bored these days sitting in the house due to the immense heat. We go to the water park occasionally but that is it. I wish we had a pool of our own to stay occupied more often. School will help for sure. I just can't believe she is a year away from starting KINDERGARTEN! Don't get me started on that....sighhhh

In other news, we are headed to DISNEY WORLD in 4 weeks! We can't wait! Katelyn is soooo super excited about going and talks about it all the time. She can't wait to go visit Cinderella's castle and ride on her very first plane ride! That will be a lot of fun for all of us. A whole week in Disney thanks to Chris's mom and step dad. Its a family trip and we look forward to spending some fun vacation time with everyone.

Chris got tested for Lyme disease a couple weeks ago and got his results the other day. Verdict...we are a Lyme couple! Yes in fact he does have lyme disease. Seriously, what are the odds? Now we wait and see when we can afford to head to Houston to get him into the same Doc I see. I am just baffled at this. I mean not really...we both got bit at the same time with the same kind of bite. I am just perplexed as to the why. I know we aren't supposed to ask "why" and trust that our Heavenly Father has everything under control. The faithful part of me doesn't ask...the human part of me does. With everything is a chance to learn and grow closer to our Lord and Savior. Yes I know this. Maybe I need to practice it a bit more and the "whys" won't be so haunting....

Continued news...we have no computer right now. A wonderful virus ate our computer. So, luckily we "slaved" our old comp and got the important photos and files off the old one and are now in the process of reformatting the old one. I honestly don't miss the computer. I am currently using my sister's lap top but other than that, I'm not real sad to have no internet access. (Refer to previous statement about computer sitting not a fan of statement!) So this post will be photo free...not that I have been taking a lot of photos lately anyways.

Well...I'm off to do something constructive...dishes, fold laundry or finish my book!

Book it is! HA!

Thanks for stopping by!