Monday, January 18, 2010

and today...

is the last day of "freedom" that I have before.....

...i spend the next 3.5 years behind this desk studying. I have about a year before I will Lord willing get accepted into nursing school then a semester or 2 to finish the prereqs for that. Then 2 solid full time years of nursing school!

It's my newest endeavor and one that I am praying will get me closer to where He wants me.

I'm truly excited and a little (ok maybe a lot) nervous to be going back into school. It's been over 7 years since I set foot in a classroom and I was 23 at the time. Oh how this time will be soooo different!

But here is the desk when we first got it. Ugly handles and all. The little project was so fun!

thanks for stoppin by...and if I don't update for a long long while...its because I am sitting at my desk, studying!

1 comment:

Monica H said...

Your "new" desk looks awesome! Best of luck to you!