Ok so its a little bit after the day but wishes are sent your way anyways!
Its been a super busy year already. Fun but busy.
New Year's Eve was a blast! We went out to eat with my friends and Chris actually got to go! But he had to leave before dinner was even over because he had to go to work... :o( Then after dinner we spent time at a friends house talking and playing games til the ball dropped! It was fun.
New Year's day was spent traveling to Houston for my nephew's first birthday party!!! My little traveler did fantastic and we had a blast getting there. While there we totally enjoyed visiting with family and getting to see my nephew.
We then headed back home and had a great time traveling again! Katelyn does such a great job driving. Although she does ask many time when we will get there, she never complains and is super easy going. She is true joy to drive with.
That was this weekend...just a few days ago! Wow! It seems so long ago!! Ha!
K went back to school Tuesday and was totally wiped all day today. But she sure does love school.
Speaking of, I start school on the 19th! Ahhh! I am totally excited and ready for the challenge. Chris and I are busy redoing a FREE desk we just got. We spent all last night sanding it and the drawers and today we went to Lowe.s and got all the supplies to paint it, add new fictures and put a glass top in. It is going to look awesome! I will post before and after pictures once we are finished. It is going to look aweosome! Perfect size for computer, work and books. Totally blessed by this little desk!
I am also doing a online book club. SUPER excited about it. Just click on the BLOOM square on the top of my blog and you can find out all about it.
Well, I am off to do some more voting :o)!!! I am entered in a New Year's resolution contest. SO GO VOTE FOR ME!!!
Scroll down to the number 31 and vote and vote and vote and vote and vote!!
And vote some more!! Vote for 31 until noon today! Vote vote vote!! I really want to win. Hehehe!
Pictures of all sorts of stuff to come shortly!
VOTE! :o)
5 years ago
hi! so...i guess you figured out that pix with the luu fam was crazy planning on their side until the day before and they got some Vietnamese guy huy's dad knows to do it, so sorry...
so excited for you with school!
also about the book club! Love same kind of dif as me! actually suggested it as our next book for the book club i am in!
Sorry, voting was closed by the time I got there. I tried :-(
Sounds like your year is off to a great start. I can't wait to see your "new" desk!
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