....there is so much going on in my head right now that I fear what will happen if I start writing. I am not even sure it will make sense to anyone when written down for others to read. I just need to head to bed and let my dreams interupt my melancoly-ness.
let's just say that once in a blue moon I get "blue" over the simple yet oh so complex fact that I have 4 babies in heaven, 1 here with me and a future that is still so unclear.
off to bed.............or else pity will start to happen and I refuse to allow that negativity to set in.
5 years ago
I wish I would have read this sooner, I could have called or something.
Just wanted to say it's OK to have those "blue" days. God knows I do. and I completely understand what you mean about the future being so unclear. Life is hard sometimes.
Hugs and lots of love!!
hugs to you my friend.
I send out a verse of the day to a handful of friends every morning and today's verse was "Indeed in our hearts we have felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God...he HAS delivered us. He WILL deliver us. On Him we have our Hope set that he will CONTINUE to deliver us." 2 Cor 1:9-10
it's too late to join 40 Days this Spring, but you can do it in the Fall...and the DFW area is in DESPERATE need because I looked at the 40 Days website (www.40daysforlife.com) and they don't have anyone in your area representing and organizing this campaign...Rachel and I can help you get it together in the Fall...you will need your church's support...email me if you're interested in more details...sarah_watson78@hotmail.com
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