When living in Texas and you don't have a pool...what do you do?! Sprinklers! Katelyn has a blast with the flower sprinkler she got for her birthday a couple of years ago.
Speaking of water and Katelyn...I am at a loss as to what to do about my still peeing in the bed at night 4 year old. To pull-up or not to pull-up. A friend recommended that I just put her in undies and let her pee the bed...she'll eventually start waking up and going herself. 10 days later that is not the case. She has some really clean sheets and my washer is seeing some even more daily use. I tried waking her up and taking her potty before I go to bed...that worked. But is this ME being potty trained or her? Advice? Suggestions?
Remember the house buying comment I made...well, we will most likely not be buying a home or moving any time soon. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand we will be financially better off NOT moving any time soon. Not to mention we will still be close to family, friends, K's school and familiarity. On the other hand, I will sleep better knowing that come 530am, my overly tired night shift working husband would be home in 15 minutes rather than 60. And half the time he has to work late, making his time being awake even longer. Like saturday for example; he worked extra because they were understaffed on the shift after his and so he worked a total of 16 hours friday to saturday. Granted its time and half for the extra but still. If we lived closer I wouldn't have been so worried. That day I ended up driving the hour to pick him up, driving home and driving the hour to take him back to work and driving home. Now I did this gladly because of the drive he would have had to make after working that many hours and I knew how tired he would be. It just makes me nervous that he drives that far after having worked so hard during the night. Anyways...its a constant prayer of mine...
Randomness anyone?
This thing is like super tall. I am afraid of heights so Beth doesn't like to do a lot of playing on this one. K loves it! She gets her bravery and dare-devilness from her daddy. NOT me.

I wish I could post the picture of the 3 girls over here at my house all running around playing and being "Bolt" with nothing but their undies on! "But mommy Bolt doesn't wear clothes". How can I argue with that? So they run around in undies because Bolt wears nothing except for the lightening bolt...which they all have drawn on their sides. Ahh to be 2, 4 and 5 with an active imagination! I love it.
I'm off to fix lunch and then the park has our name written all over it! Hope your monday is a good one!
Good to hear from you, and glad this post is a little lighter than the previous.
I didn't even see the mud, I was blinded by the white :-) Kidding, mine are pretty bad too.
Oh my, where to start???
First I got a ridiculously good laugh from the shorts and bird poop incident. You couldn't make that happen again if you tried. Wow. Amazing. Crazy off the wall things like that must run in the family.
Second, I love how Katelyn is prancing through the sprinkler, too cute!
Third! I gave up organizing cd's a LONG time ago. Kudos to Chris.
Fourth, I'm confused I thought you guys were in a house? Did you move back to an apartment? Or are you looking for another house closer to Chris's station?
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