Ok ok...i have to stop blaming lyme eventually.
Speaking of the bug that has gotten me ticked (pun intended), I went to the doc for another check up last week.
Guess what?!
I still have lyme. And on top of that, it looks as though the end is nowhere in sight. Yup. 10 minutes of talking with doc after driving an hour only to find out that my numbers aren't where they need to be and even when they get to where he wants them, I am not 100% cured. Huh? Then why are we working on getting those numbers up? He didn't explain. Just told me to keep taking the antibiotics (that I have been on for 8 months now) and he'll recheck my bloodwork and call me.
Yea...like you did the last month? Even AFTER I called asking for my results. Sheesh. It's time for a change. So....after contacting an online friend about her situation, I am on the hunt for a Homeopathic doctor who knows something about Lyme disease. No more drugs that just seem to be NOT HELPING and onto healing the way God intended...naturally.
Speaking of healing, my aforementioned friend (the one in the roll over) is healing well. She is still seeing a neurologist for some nagging symptoms that need some prayer. Also be praying that she gets some help financially. Being a single mom is tough and now that she is out of work and has been for 2 weeks with NO vacation sick leave, she is loosing money every day. Keep her in your prayers please.
On a positive note, I have started running again. YEA! It's awesome! And by awesome I mean completely humiliating and incrediably hard because after running a mere half of a mile I want to die. Seriously. Die. I used to run mile after mile after mile...only to come home because it was too late and dark and I feared for my life. But it was nothing for me to go out and run for over an hour at 6+ miles at a time.
What. Happened?
Oh I'll tell you. Marriage. Ha! I stopped runningabout a year after we got married because I got pregnant, had surgery, got pregnant 2 months later, had a kid. Got pregnant again...had another surgery. Got lyme disease then got pregnant again, miscarried and was told to lay off activity because of the ovaria cyst they found...tennis ball sized. YEA! Don't wanna mess around with that. So, here we are, 5 years after I stopped running. Out of shape and completely winded after half a mile. Time for some major training and whipping my butt back into shape.
Well, I'm off to pay another dollar on this 'nother day...gotta pick up the cat who is getting spayed today.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the pic of my lovely playing in the mini cottage at the Dallas Arboretum.
thanks for the sweet comment. :) your blog is great! and you look so cute... i will be praying for your healing of the lyme disease! that is seriously no fun, at all.:(
I found you through Josephine's blog..... great blog.....And great job on her pictures :-)
oh. my. word.
YES! that WAS me at UTA!!!! Haha....that was my freshman year of college :-)
And i'm assuming you did not know Josephine at that time, did you??
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