Because I tend to be quite a follower and not creative enough to think of something new on my own...we will have ten on Tuesday today.
10. I am borderline obsessive compulsive. Took me 30 years to admit it, but I am. I really noticed it when I was loading the dish washer one day. Chris had put some dishes in there and I was coming around later to finish up the loading. Well, it wasn't satisfactory enough for me. So what did I do? Yup...I rearranged each piece that was unsat. I seriously need to let that go! sheesh just writing it makes me sound like a freak!
9. Speaking of obsessive, I actually am obsessive about my nails. I can chew the heck out of skin around my nails but my nails are impeccably manicured all the time. I usually manicure them every other day. Which reminds me....tonight's the night! ;o)
8. Did I mention I am wanting to start training for 5k's? If I did, then you now know just how much I really want to! If I didn't, then now you do! I want to run 5k's the wind the wind.
7. We might be moving...again. No contracts have been put down and nothing really has been truly discussed or we don't even know if we CAN get approved for a loan or anything like that...but prayers are being said and thats all Im gonna say. Once I can say more....I will tell the awesome story of it all!
6. 6 is my favorite number. I guess because I am one of six kids and very proud of that fact...but its true. I just love the number 6.
5. I wish I had more "guts". Cause if I did, I just might sing in public. I would LOVE to have the nerve to karaoke...or even do some stand up. I would love to do that. Although I am not sure I am sarcastic enough for that.
4. I think I have mentioned that previously mentioned small detail before....did I mention also that I have a freakishly weird memory? I can remember people and their birthdays from elementary and/or junior high school that I wasn't really even friends with but I can't remember what I told you last week...or what someone told me last they make a pill to correct for that?
3. I don't like crowds. In fact, I loathe them. I detest the very place they are at that moment. If you see me at the mall on saturday it is because I am being pulled by my hair kicking and screaming...that or I just need to go and its the last day for me to go before I have to give that certain gift I am trying to find to that certain person. But its true. We are going to Disney World this summer and I am not looking forward to the crowds...but actually I think we are going the first week of school so the crowds won't be a factor! YIPPEE!!
2. I don't make friends very easily. Wish I did...but never have. I guess that could be attributed to my ultimate lack of trust for all mankind. ;o) or...maybe not. I'm clausterphobic so maybe that's why I hate crowds. I don't hate the people involved in the crowds, just the crowd itself.
1. Did I mention that I still have lyme disease? Well, I do. And I'm not happy about that. DId you know? On top of all that, I called 5 holistic doctors yesterday and left messages with all of them to call me back and all of 1 called me today. I was actually impressed even the one called me back. However he only takes phone calls from 9-10 each morning and I got his message at 10:03. Drat! Mabe tomorrow I can call him. Wish me luck!
Well, Chris is done putting sweet tiredbeyondbelief Katelyn to bed so I think we will sit and watch a movie together. It's the beginning of Chris's weekend so Happy Friday to US!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
5 years ago
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