Four jobs I have had in my life:
Medical records tech
Victoria's secret sales associate
Four movies I would watch over and over:
Pride & Prejudice
13 Going on 30
Princess Bride
Dumb and Dumber
Four places I have lived:
Arlington Texas
San Antonio Texas
Great Falls Montana
Mansfield Texas
Four TV Shows that I watch: (Currently)
Private Practice
Grey's Anatomy
One Tree Hill
How's it Made
Four places I have been:
In 4 states all at once!
Washington DC
Mexico...and not the pretty part
Fargo ND
Four People who e-mail me (regularly)
My mom
Facebook notifications
yahoo homeschooling group notifications
....and ummmm noone else. sad and pathetic
Four of my favorite foods:
bread & butter
bread and butter
baked sweet potatos with lots of butter
pizzza (i'm really a healthy eater....REALLY!!!)
Four places I would rather be right now:
outta this house and in my new place
sitting next to Chris
laying in my bed
out of debt
Four things I am looking forward to in the next year:
Exploring my new town with Katelyn
going on a vacation with just my man...its never happened in our 8 years of marriage.
swimming in our awesome pool at our new apartment complex!!
maybe training with a new friend for a triathelon
Four top books I've read the past year:
I don't remember any of them....
well if you count all the kids books I've read...
Four favorite songs:
Secrets by OneRepublic
Breathe Again by Sara Bareilles
Let the Drummer Kick by Citizen Cope
Regret by Glow
Four things you like about yourself:
(This otta be good cause I'm pretty hard on myself)
I'm loyal (to a fault my mother always says)
A good cook ("The bestest cooker i've ever had!!!"-Katelyn)
ummmmm i have a six pack. :) like for real. :) and i like that.
......that's all i can think of right now.....
OKAY!! I need to get to bed...I'm headed to the gym early in the am cause its the only time I will be able to get a workout in tomorrow. I'm excited just not about the hour....I workout best in the evening. But, I'll be there and will be doing something rather than nothing at home!
Hope all is well in your world! Thanks for stoppin by!
5 years ago
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