Friday, December 25, 2009


...was a great day!

~Wake up with the hubby fast asleep on one side of me and my sweet little girl snoozin on the other side of me! COZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYY sandwich! After K wakes up, she runs out of bed. A minute or so later she comes running back into the room to tell me that Santa ate all the cookies AND drank the milk! PLUS the reindeer ate the reindeer food on the porch and "they were messy!" It was the cutest thing to see her face light up so much.

~open up presents and stockings and swim in a sea of wrapping paper with the girl!

~Eat a small snack while singing Happy Birthday to Jesus as we listen to Christmas music.

~Get dressed and head over to the parents house for a yummy traditional coffee cake breakfast with other delicious mom made foods. PLUS I got to try out a fantastic Blueberry Coffee Cake recipe I got from Monica. You should check her out...she makes soooo many amazing yummies! Thanks Monica! It was a hit! :o)

~Play Guess.tures with the family and kick some royal booty with me and my ma on the same team! It's like we have a 6th sense or something! hehehe!

~Hang out some more then play Cran.ium where again...our team kicks some booty! But not by much! It was fun and hilarious!

~Sit and chat with mom while she fixes some delicious chicken salad and grilled cheese. Clean up the kitchen and house then say our goodbyes because my sweet hoosband has to work tonight and we needed to get him home to change and get ready.

So here I am at home, sitting once again on the couch with my lap top and tv with my sweet little spoiled beyond belief little girl. Happy as a clam that today she wore herself out. Her words not mine. And as we prayed our prayers goodnight, we thanked Jesus for all that He does and once again wished him a wonderful birthday. And Katelyn even hugged Jesus goodnight. :o)

Thank you God for the amazing Gift of our Lord and Savior. Happy Birthday Jesus!! We loooooooveee You!!!!

1 comment:

Monica H said...

That sounds like the perfect day. I was just craving monkey bread, but I think I'll go make that coffee cake instead since it has fruit in it :-)