10 "things" you might care to read...or not...
10. I have been working out now for 2 months. I'm not doing it loose weight I am doing it for energy and to actually fit back into my clothes.. After my last loss and surgery I decided that I didn't care to watch what I ate and didn't cook hardly at all. Read FAST FOOD! My ever so eager fat greedy belly decided to take it all in. I am by no means fat, just needed a little toning and fat loss in the post baby and 4 surgery midsection. Mission is yet to be accomplished...clothes are starting to "sorta" fit again...maybe another 2 months and goal will be acheived...wish me luck!
9. My new favorite artist is Plumb. I love melodic tunes like her. She seems so real and I love that about artists.
8. Is being SUPER organized considered anal? Because I think I may be borderline.
7. My sister is now living with us. She brings to the house another cat and LOTS of fun clothes! I'm excited! Now I just need to loose 3 inches in height to fit into ALL her stuff!
6. Cops are HOTT! Or maybe just the one inparticular. Seriously...who doesn't love a man in uniform?!
5. Almost 30 year olds should NOT be having the worst acne of their lives...right?
4. You should read Eat Right for Your Blood Type. It seriously made so much sense to me. Who knew I would actually start eating cow and feeling great while doing it?!
3. K put herself down for a nap this afternoon. We are making progress! At 3 and half its about time she start doing that!
2. K put herself down for a nap today....she is growing up. *tear*
1. I randomly break out in weird voices that sometimes, if not all times weird people out. I've always done it and I think I may have scarred my sister permantly. Just ask her...she'll tell you about the voices growing up.
Randomness is always fun...anyone else?
Thanks for stoppin by!
5 years ago
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