So, among the most bittersweet moments of my life, today pretty much took the cake and left me speechless. My dear little K started her very first dance class. She was soooo excited!! She was bouncing around the house all morning. Getting dressed way too early! Creating her own dance moves and getting us to watch each and every one. Asking where dance class the whole way to the studio. She told every girl that walked in the waiting area that she was going to dance. She even went as far as to walk up to her teacher and tell her that she was going to listen to what she was going to tell her. (We discussed this previously!) The teacher was going around the room fixing the ballet shoes by cutting off the strings and tucking them into their shoes and K was so proud to have her shoes already fixed up ready to go! She pointed this out to her teacher. (I read the instructions accompanied with the dancing application. It's not genius stuff here. Just follow the directions for uniform info and you'll be good!) She made several new best friends today and she couldn't have been more happy. It was a proud moment for this mom.

Here she was JUMPING out of the car and up onto the sidewalk. Had I not stopped her to take a picture she would have already been to the door!!

And for once she actually let me take her picture with her smiling! Happiness will do that to ya!
Moments before walking into her dance room. Sometimes I can't believe how amazing this little person is. Amidst all the brattyness that is every three year old, there is a sweet, caring, brave, talented, beautiful little girl growing up before my eyes and not slowing down for a minute.
I wish I had a picture of her as she came out of the room. Her face was lit up and she was smiling from ear to ear. The first words out of her mouth before I even had a chance to ask were "I had so much fun!" It brings me such joy to make her happy in such a simple way.
And this post wouldn't be complete without a little brattyness of my own...captured as we waited for K to finish her lesson.
Thanks for stoppin by!
A ballerina in the making- so cute!
And I remember the days when all my friends were my BFF's :-)
Ok so I finally found your new blog so I am not a sucky friend anymore!!!!!
You and chris make such a cute couple and that pic captures it so well!!!!
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