I am a wonderful blogger. Absolutely GREAT! My once a year posts I am sure are beyond inspiring. I can just imagine the wait and anticipation for my ever ready audience to hear my next words....a YEAR later. Holy hell that's ridiculous!
Moving on...
Let's sum up 2013 in a paragraph shall we?
K finished 2nd grade and started 3rd. She succeeded in passing and has succeeded in advancing her educational career some more in the third grade. I too have advanced my education...by getting put on financial aid warning! Good times in "D" land over here. D stand for Determined to not live that semester again. C and I got engaged over the summer and married on 11-12-13! Hey, second time around...who needs the show and who has the MONEY for that kind of shindig?! Not us that's for sure. C is still lovin his job. Has a great crew and even better Sargent. He's been a happy camper about all that so that makes this LEO wife a happy camper too. I have been attempting to run more and more but my blasted IT band likes to make it difficult. Hate you IT band. Maybe one day I can overcome the pain and just run that blasted half marathon before my body totally gives out on me. Hey...I did get up to my all time farthest distance of 8 miles in 2013. I was proud. I guess.....that about sums up the highlights.
I think that writing will indeed help me become a better writer....well DUH! SO, I am going to make a concerted effort (and for me, if I make it TWICE a year that's an improvement! hahaha!) to write out my thoughts here. I write as if people are reading but who am I kidding? No one reads this blog anyways.
Now, I am on to studying for Research Design and Analysis and Social Psychology. Both classes have tests next week and I HAVE to ace them. *Refer back to previous paragraph of FAW*
Til next year people!
5 years ago
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