i'm trying to be better at blogging. however i'm not really sure why. I have about 3 people that i know follow this and comment but really, who cares? I've got nothing profound to say and even if i did, i think that i wouldn't be able to say it as eloquently as i may want to. so, for you 3 faithful followers, here's what's on my mind...
....i'm really tired today. i have a problem of forgetting to eat....and when you work out every single day, the day after you workout AND forget to eat, you're kinda tired. So, I'm takin a break from the gym today. tomorrow will be kick booty though!
....i'm really proud of my husband. like so proud i can't stand it. i'm amazed at how much he has endured over his lifetime and still has the attitude and outlook on life and people that he does. he should be a rebellious man who is still sowing his wild oats and cussing everyone out who he meets that doesn't think like him. but, he doesn't. he remains calm, collected and simply amazing every single day. in love!!
....my heart still longs to be pregnant. after 4 losses and no real reason for me to not be pregnant, my body is craving the feeling pregnancy brings. the little feet pushing my ribs, the hiccups that keep you awake, the heartbeat on the monitor and all those quirky pregnancy feelings that a lot of moms complain about. i guess you don't realize what you have when you have it easily. so for now, if you are pregnant, please don't complain to me about all those symptoms. tomorrow maybe. just not today. i'd kill to have those "problems" today.
....katelyn is SOARING through her lessons and soaking up sooooo much information in our little homeschool. even outside of school. i am completely amazed at how fast she is learning all this information! she is sounding out words on her own and spelling them; she is reading sentences, writing addition problems and simply yearning for more. God told us to pull her out of public school and boy he wasn't kidding! He knew she needed the one on one time to gain her confidence and have a little bit of pride her abilities. I'm so proud of her.
....lyme disease will always be a part of my life. And honestly, I am thankful for it. It was a terrible almost three years of pain, depression, anger, marital issues, bad parenting and just feeling like i was a no good person. But through all that, I gained so much knowledge, grew in the Lord, have been able to help others and have a new respect for the human body. as much as i hate that stupid bacteria, I am thankful for the experience that it gave me and all the lessons I learned in the process.
.....and now i'm off to clean my bathroom. exciting. i know. don't be too jealous.
thanks for stopping by!
5 years ago
glad you are doing well! :) so you are homeschooling Katelyn!!!??? boy, every time i check in with you something new is up!!! :) keep me posted on your life!
Wow! I was thinking the same thing tonight when I sat down at my computer today. I was thinking about how no one really followed my blog and that I wish that what I was writing and the time that I spent actually mattered. Just know that I read everything on your blog and I love it!
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