-My best friends sip-n-see went well yesterday. I struggle with wanting to do it ALL and have soooo much to give, but we just couldn't do that this time. Having a budget allows for not much wiggle room.
-I dropped my govt class. It was significantly kicking my butt and making me feel like I was retarded all the while. So...in light of me finding out I do NOT need this class for a nursing degree and that it will NOT affect my scholarship, I dropped that class as fast as you can say FREEDOM!
-The laundry in my house is at an all time high. Seriously...I can't remember the last time its been this bad. Spring break will be my catch up WEEK for all that stuff. Being in school AND a stay at home mom is hard. I don't know how moms who work AND go to school do it. I'd just about need to be on speed to get anything done!
-Prayer works right...?
-Katelyn turns 5 on saturday. 5. I'm kinda in shock about it all to be quite honest. I can't believe that come September she will be enrolled in kindergarten and I won't see her during the day anymore.
-Being a police officer's wife still has its adjustments....and some days, I long for 9-5.
-I think I am addicted to Dr. Pepper. And I'm not ashamed.
-I will turn 31 in a week...and on that very day we will celebrate our 7 year anniversary. 7...never thought it possible! ha! What's this about a 7 year itch?? I've heard it before and want more info...
and now for an oldie...K and her friend J on the hammock! My little girl is not so little any more...
---Off to do the thousands of loads of laundry WHILE fitting in some study time....back to reality.
Thanks for stoppin by!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Manic? yes. Maybe you need more Dr. Pepper!
Happy Birthday to K, our anniversary is tomorrow too!
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