Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm good at this blogging thing aren't I?!!

Well I have to say...this is pathetic. What's the point of a blog if I'm never on here and never post? Ahh well...

A lot has happened since I last posted. Where to begin....

I do NOT have Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. I have Lyme disease. Fun huh? I am on antibiotics right now and they seem to be keeping the symptoms at bay. They aren't totally gone but they are a lot less severe because of the medication. I go to the specialist on the 29th to figure out how to rid my body of this fantastic disease!

Chris is enjoying his new shift and schedule. Night shift. I am surprisingly ok with it all. It seems to work out best for us in the long run. He is gone while we sleep, he sleeps while we play and gets up in the afternoon to spend a good 5-6 hours with him before he leaves. That's more than we got to see him when he was working a regular 9-5 least it seems that way because he is happy and its fun to be around him! ha!

Katelyn is having issues dealing with his absence. For most of her short little life her daddy was her night time buddy. He would bathe her, read her stories and put her to bed. Not every single night but most nights. Now, he isn't here at bed time and she has a hard time with it. Her sweet little spirit is so loving and warm that whenever anyone leaves she just melts. Her aunt (who is living with us) leaves for school and work and every time Katelyn follows her to the door telling her 50 times she loves her. "Have a nice day!" "I love you to the moon and back Lala!" Every. Single. Time. She does that with her daddy...she does that when I leave (on the rare occasion that I DO!). She has the most precious spirit. So loving, kind and never a stranger does she meet. I had a photo shoot sunday with an old friend from high school that Katelyn had never met. I had to take her with me (she's also a great assistant!!) because Chris was sleeping. Well, by the time we left, K had told my friend she loved her like 5 times. It was sweet. SO, all that to say...she hates it when people leave...especially her Daddy and it just breaks her heart. Oh how she loves him and never wants him to leave!!

In other looks like the search for a place to live in the town of C's employment has come to a halt. Both C and I have felt the Lord keeping us here for now. We know and are willing to move whenever He says jump but right now, we feel Him keeping us grounded here. This will allow for us to get on our feet financially, be stable for a change and even put K in school next semester. So...we are super excited about this and just ready to hear what God has for us next.

Well...this computer has been sitting in front of me for a few hours now because of the 3 photo shoots from this weekend I had to process. I am finally DONE and am really ready to go read some before I hit the sack.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Monica H said...

Good to hear from you. Your daughter is so sweet. I saw a little girl this past weekend who looked exactly like her, only she was about 3 years old.

How was your Thanksgiving?