I'm the worst blogger.....but trust me I have sat down numerous times to start a post and i come up with....nadda, zip, zero, zilch. Yet, there has been an abundance of things going on in my mind. So much so that I can't shut my mind off at night and so much so that I have lost almost 10 pounds in the last 4 days. Yea...I'm a tiny girl to begin with...those pounds aren't good to loose. I now weigh less than I did before we got married....yikes. Cheeseburgers here I come!
I wish I had a better way with words. I wish I could even put into words the things that have been racing through my mind and heart and soul. Yet maybe, its best I don't. Maybe I should just focus on the outcome of all those thoughts.
At the center of it all is God. His loving warm embrace that never fails to amaze me. The fact that no matter how bleak a situation may feel, when we lay everything at the alter, He takes it and makes it new. So i am going to take this newness and run with it. Slowly of course but with still embracing it with the faith to move that mountain. Taking it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. I am going to wake up every day with a positive outlook and an open mind to hear and see what He wants for my life that day. Its taken me a long time to finally BELIEVE what I have been hearing is the TRUTH. I allow myself to be sucked into the negative of the untruth. But no more. No more lies will be allowed into my life. It will be a daily laying down. A daily "death" if you will and a daily new life that brings me hope. Hope that the day will bring much deserved happiness for me and my family.
A lot of rambling and vague talk, but details aren't important. What's past is past and I am thinking of today and today only. I am thankful for the ongoing journey and where He may take us next. The saying is true, but time does heal all wounds....if we allow Him to be in control of that time.
I hope your days are good and your future is unexpected!
5 years ago