Tomorrow is a big day. But Wednesday, Wednesday is the bigger day. Tomorrow my little family and I (minus the dog and cat) will be heading to the hot humid city of Houston. Normally I can't stand making the trip in the summer to the most humid city known to man (ok...maybe a we bit of an exaggeration), but this time I am completely excited. I've been looking forward to this day since I made the appointment 3 weeks ago. After the gazillion doctor's appointments and numerous phone calls, lab work after lab work and hour after hour of wasted time on seeing doctors, I am hopefully making one last visit to the doctor for a VERY LONG TIME!
I am headed to Houston to see a homeopathic MD. A family friend recommended this doctor for the healing and eradicating of the disease that has plagued my body for 2 years now. I am finally hopeful and PRAYERFUL about this chapter of my life finally ending. This chapter called Lyme. Recently I have started having the "episodes" that knock me out for a day and a half so this appointment is coming at the perfect time. (well the actual perfect time would have been almost a year ago when I started seeing the other doc about my lyme....but we won't go there)
All I can do now is pray that Dr. Robinson will and does have the answer, the cure, the healing for this disease.
Please be praying too! For any of you that know about this disease or have known me through these last 2 years, pray! THe Lord has shown me and taought me so many things through this expierence and I am thankful for that. But let's move on!!
Update when we get back...but for now, the cutest little kitty cat ballerina EVER!!

We weren't supposed to use our cameras but I was second row and didn't use my I snapped this one a few others.

There aren't many of the two of us. My sweet firl and her flowers!

Her poor daddy...he looks so wiped in the pictures. Prolly because he is! Had worked the night shift the night before and didn't get any sleep all day this day. It was 10pm by now and poor daddy was fightin hard.
More full costume shots to come...once we get back I plan on taking her picture with her costume on. So cute!! But maybe I'm just a wee bit biased. :o)