Well, as history goes, I'm due for an update. Once every couple of months for the 2 people who read this is good...don't ya think?
Its March and I am now 30.
K is 4.
4....what a crazy number. Who would have thought that by the end of my 20's I would have had 4 pregnancy losses and one healthy child. The end of January I had a miscarriage. I blame all the yuck medicine I had been on for Lyme's disease. But the blessing in that was despite the other 3 ectopic pregnancies, this pregnancy WAS in the uterus. PRAISE GOD!! Well, that's a duh seeing how He places the babies where He wants them anyways!
Speaking of Lyme...I wish I had done more research in regard to treating Lyme disease and gone the homeopathic route. But alas, this doc was highly recommended and I ran over to get the drugs. Hindsight being what it is, I would have prayed more about it and really sought after what direction God wanted me to go...He is after all The Great Physician. Wouldn't He know best what was best for healing me? I thought I had and maybe I did...but what is done is done and hopefully after April 6 I will get the all clear from the Doc. If not, anyone know a doc that will treat me naturally? No more antibiotics please 6 months is MORE than my little liver can handle.
I got a job for the first time since I was nanny before I got married 6 years ago. I don't count my 2 month stint with Vickie's Secret a REAL job. It was more of a joke job than anything. I now am working for a real estate agent here locally that ROCKS! He is in the historic district here in town and I am excited about it. Definitely something brought to me by God because I struggled with calling this guy back for fear that I would have to work or that I wouldn't be good at it. Well, while doing a bible study (after NOT calling him back) God told me to call this guy. I said no. And He said YES! NOW! So, I did and after chatting with this very eccentric man for about an hour and a half, I had a job doing something I have always wanted to do. It will be great because he is willing to work around Katelyn's school schedule and for that I am soooo grateful. Talk about answer to prayer! Anyways...I'm stocked and I have my dear friends Josh and Rian to thank for introducing us!
Katelyn is in school twice a week now. She absolutely loves it and fits right in. I'm amazed at her every day...we have our 4 year old days where I think it would be best that she started kindergarten TODAY and was gone all the time, but for the most part, she is a curious, spunky, sassy little princess that is just too cute for words most days....the days I don't want to strangle her that is!
Well I guess that's about it...I'm about as boring as could be right now. Just please pray that my Lyme is gone and no longer actively stressing my body. I'd like to be done with this chapter of my life. Maybe I'll write a book...God knows there are plenty of chapters already...
5 years ago