Okay...so my leave of absence is due to....Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever! Yea that's it!!
Well, as some of you may or may not know, I have been to the doctor lately. A lot. A rare occurrence unless pregnant or post op. I have never liked going to the doctor and it usually takes me months of feeling terrible before I do anything about it. Case in point my 3 month pulled back that FINALLY healed after going to a new PCP ( I hadn't been to a PCP since I was 18) and getting muscle relaxers to help heal me. So, I don't go to the docs. I've never really had a need....until recently.
About 2 weeks ago I started having major hearing problems. I've always had "slight" hearing loss and/or issues but this time I seriously thought I was going deaf. Conversations were very difficult and other sounds were just plain deafening. So, my dear friend suggested I come see the doc she works for (an ENT) and the first thing I should do in preparation for that is get a hearing test done.
So I did. And I have moderate hearing loss in both ears. DUH! I coulda told you that! My right ear is better than my left but still not where it should be for a gal my age...according to the ENT.
Well, I get my hearing tested and wait to see the ENT. While waiting for my appointment I start having these weird dizzy spells. They come on suddenly and last 2 days. The intensity of the "dizziness" subsides after a few hours but for about a day and half all I can do is lay around in bed for fear of falling down due to vertigo and/or running into the walls...which I did several times the first "episode". I have had two of the unexpected episodes in the last 2 weeks and I live in fear of the next one. Imagine this...if you can that is....being the absolute drunkest you have ever been JUST prior to the vomiting stage. Now stay that way for 7-8 hours. Yea. That's what the spells feel like. It's the worst. The episodes just come on without any warning and have me down for the count for 2 days. Then the next day and half I spend recovering and dizzy still. I have no clue as to what is causing all these weird things but we are on the right track because...
I just got off the phone with the results from my Monday's 7 vial blood draw to test for who knows what and found out that....
I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Doc isn't sure if that is the sole cause of my dizzy episodes but at least that could explain why I have been so lethargic for months now, crampy all. the. time., headaches that I can't get rid of and a general state of crappiness. This is a tick born illness and apparently last YEAR when I had those random bites on my abdomen that lasted 3months...yea. those were ticks. Laying in bed...woke up with the bites. I'm seriously grossed out.
So, next step...who knows. I was told you get rid of the bacteria that is the "fever" with antibiotics. Now I just wait to hear back from the doc and PRAY that I don't have another dizzy episode. I've had one a week since this whole thing started and have yet to have one this week...pray OH pray!!!
and FYI...no it isn't contagious. You can still be around me without fear! ha!
That's what's goin on im my little world...what about yours?
5 years ago