I have been busy.
~Photo shoots galore (check here for proof) and processing of said shoots.
~Katelyn has been different these days as well. I can't explain it other than she is continually trying to adjust to her daddy's ever changing training schedule. Its hard for her to not ever see her daddy and when she does she's so tired she just "wiggs" out and can't seem to calm down. I pray that after these next 9 weeks we find some sort of trick that helps ease her little missing heart and his schedule will be one that favors well for all of us.
~Money stinks...Lack of money stinks even more. And when the cause of your lack of money is your lack of responsiblity, its sucks a big one. Go US!!
Here is the latest little pix of me and my girl. I don't take my picture too often but when I do, I like to insure the cutesness by adding my sweetness!

Thanks for stoppin by! And don't forget to leave me a comment! It makes me happy!